Our daughter Lisa dropped by on her way home from farm country with her flock of chicks. Here Marya admires one of them.
Just two days ago these little guys were easter eggs. Three different breeds. The plan is to keep only hens, half of this clutch are apt to grow up to be roosters I am told. They will go back to the farm.
But back to Ukuleles-- I have two baritone orders and needed to make some necks. Yesterday I found a big plank of Honduran Mahogany in the Windsor Plywood store. About ten feet long , 2 inches thick and 12 inches wide. Bought 54 inches of it, enough for for baritone necks and eight tenor necks.
Sliced it in three inch widths on the band saw first.
Plotting out how I want to cut it. Again, on the band saw
Two baritone necks about ready for use.