Both have bearclaw Sitka Spruce tops. Bodies of East Indian Rosewood, lft, and and Bubinga, rt.
they both received MiSi pickups today, It starts with drilling a pilot hole dead center in the end piece.
The whole story is told in this photo. A big hole is drilled in the end piece, the pickup is impaled by the dowel and led out the hole. A thin wire is pushed into a hole drilled in the slot of the bridge and the wire is attached to the end of the Piezo cable which is then pulled out the hole from within to lay in the grove under the saddle. Looks a little difficult, but it went quick and easy today.
I also leveled the frets, re crowned a few and polished them all. Here are the tools of the trade.

Olga and Bill's soundboards are about ready for their sides. The butt block is being glued to Bill's uke
Just checking to be sure I have a proper curve on the butt block. Looks perfect.