Have you wondered why that uke you ordered from China has not arrived? It may be on one of these container ships anchored in Bellingham Bay.
Apparently there are many ships anchored awaiting off loading in Seattle. I have never before seen this sight on Bellingham Bay, 90 miles from Seattle.
I got Adam's uke strung up today. It is not only a beauty, but sounds wonderful. This is a real winner.
The body is spalted Sycamore sent me by my friend Jon of Jupiter Ukuleles in Philadelphia. The soundboard is "bearclaw" Sitka Spruce and the binding, curly koa.
The fretboard and bridge are Honduran Rosewood, the frets, gold Evo and the tuners gold Gotah UPTs
I found an ugly indent on the neck so sanded it down and am now refinishing it. A few more coats and the finish will be repaired.