I reached a milestone today. All parts of Stuart Fuchs new tenor are now completed, and at the end of the day the assembly of the instrument was begun with the attachment of its sides. This uke is on its way !
First task was to make and glue on the butt block. The sides will be glued to it, and eventually the shaft of the MiSi pickup will penetrate it.
Next, it was time to carve the neck and prepare it to be glued to the tone board.
Carving the hook with a sharp Exacto blade, Always a fun task.
I will need a supply of tentalones to tie this instrument together,
Now the neck is attached to the soundbboard. The glue will take a couple of hours to set up and then the assembly can begin.
Afte 48 hours in the mold, I took the sides out to find the most perfect bend I have every done. This Sycamore is wonderful to work with, Very compliant and cooperative. these sides will fit perfectly.
They did fit perfectly. Sides are installed and most of the tentalones attached. I have never had a better fit.