the only structural things left to do are the two frets and the nut, saddle and tuners. Otherwise this instrument is constructed. Tomorrow I will put in the frets, drill the holes for the tuners and then the finishing can begin. It is only mid November. This Ukulele will be resting under your Christmas tree for sure.
Here's a closer look at the peg head, just taken out of the clamps. Now I have faired the edges with rasp and sandpaper.
and have sanded the "g" down flat to the surface- so the peg head is ready to go.
Here is the completed underside of the next Kasha Tenor #102. note the flat veneer patches over the center seam, Probably not needed but just a precaution. The same veneer surrounds the sound hole as a precaution against splits. It would have very little effect on vibration.
And now, a little more from last night's Bellingham Ukulele Group Orchestra performance.