WELL ITS LABOR DAY- So today I worked hard and got all three Pinecones boxed up. Here was the process.
First, with a very sharp Exacto knife I trimmed the Engelmann Spruce overhang as close as I dared.
Mustn't forget to make and install the labels on the maple back. I like to make everything possible by hand, including the label so I paint watercolor paper and write these labels. They don't look so bright when seen in the darkness through the sound hole.
The labels are carefully positioned to be centered in the sound hole, glued down and held by these dirty old bags of lead bird shot left over from my muzzleloading days.
Bags of lead shot come in handy in many ways in a workshop.
Bags of lead shot come in handy in many ways in a workshop.
Now comes the glue spread with a little brush on both both surfaces
And finally they are clamped tightly together with these long rubber bands. This photo shows just the first two. Two more were applied to get a good tight clamping action.
After a couple of hours the bands are removed and the final shaping of the back begins with this rasp, a finer rasp, and finally the bow sander
Still lots of finish sanding to do but I am pleased with the joint and the curve. And the tap tone sounds good too. Nice figure on this wood, It will be a lovely uke.