I dropped by the huge Grizzly Imports store today and found them selling the last of the stash of East Indian Rosewood that had belonged to their President, a hobby guitar maker. Some really lovely East Indian. I bought it all- enough to build 12 tenors.
Here I am with several of the guitar sized sets. Jim is smiling at the cash register having just received my check.

Here it is back in my workshop, Sorted and labeled and ready to store on my shelves. Twelve sets of back and two sides of really nice wood.
I am very pleased because some of the very best sounding tenors I have built were made with East Indian Rosewood backs and sides and NYC water tank redwood sound boards. This buy will allow me to build twelve more just like the uke that I built for Stuart Fuchs .
From each 3 piece set of guitar sized wood I am able to build two tenor ukuleles.
Really lovely wood.