I received in the mail today the most ingenious tool from my new friend in Penn, Jon Dale. He has invented this incredible circle cutter to be used with the Stewart McDoonald Dremel router support.
This beautifully etched and executed acrylic plate screws to the bottom of the Stew-Mac router base and allows a cutter to pivot around a 3/16ths pin inserted in any of these holes. The 48 holes allow you to cut a circle with the router in 48 different diameters, each one 1/16th inch larger or smaller than its neighbor.
Like many great ideas, the basic theory is quite simple, The skills it took to figure how to implement the idea just blow my mind. What a wonderful addition to the luthier's tool box. This should make cutting sound holes and the channels for rosettes so very much easier. thank you Jon for your BRILLIANT idea and execution. You had better patent it. I can hardly wait to put it to use. Simply brilliant.