With the help of Super Soft.
This stuff softens wood and helps in bending it without breaking. It was not easy, and I broke several sides, but I succeeded in bending sides for three tenors to be made of this wonderful spalted maple. Too busy now, but I will build a uke with it soon and see how it sounds. Think I will use Port Orford Cedar for the soundboard and maybe an Alaska Cedar neck. It would be a true blonde in that case.
Lets add a back and see what it looks like
Here are a couple more choices.
I strung up Bill's #163 today, installed the pickup and the uke is finished. Sounding really good. Here is the hole cut for the MiSi pickup. Sorry, the other photos disappeared. I will post pictures tomorrow.
Next up is Olga's tenor. I have located the position of the bridge, marked it off with tape, and now I must scrape off the shellac finish to expose bare wood for gluing.
The bridge is scraped, glued and clamped. This uke will be ready to get its strings tomorrow.