Sunday Marya and I went to the magnificent Mt Baker Theater and enjoyed a great concert put on by Bela Fleck and his wife Abigail Washburn. He is reputed to be the best banjo player in the world, and she cannot be far behind, A great show and the timing was perfect since I just got my Duke 10 banjo uke. I came home inspired to play that thing.
Bela Fleck plays with three fingers and uses finger picks, I have a set of finger picks and donned them tonight. Wow ! , they are easy to use and really increase the sound. My poor wife went to bed a bit ago saying her ears were ringing. I may have to practice in the workshop hereafter- but I sure had fun.
this banjo business is beginning to grow on me. I am having a lot of fun with it. I think it is the driving rhythm of the banjo sound that hooks me. I did not show many photos of the Duke 10 in my last blog. Really a pretty simple instrument, but soundly made. Here is the end piece with the strings running over it and then just through holes in the wooden ring with knots on the inside of the ring. This picture also shows you the port for the pickup jack
It also has a nice arm rest solidly built. Comes with a little wrench for adjusting the tension on the head. I fiddled with adjustments until I got the tone that I liked. Tighter makes the sound higher, loosen and the sound warms. Very simple.
I didn't get much done in the workshop today because I entertained a small group of
Rotarians who came to learn about making ukuleles. A fun two hours with tons of questions and interest. I did get the clamps off the tentelones on the Cocobolo Uke
Rotarians who came to learn about making ukuleles. A fun two hours with tons of questions and interest. I did get the clamps off the tentelones on the Cocobolo Uke
And I began to fit and install the sides on the Bocote Uke when I realized that I had not yet put on it's butt block.
Here it is- all ready to go and just waiting for me.
It's on there now, and in the morning I can get the sides glued on.