No, not those iconic British musicians, We are talking the real beetles, one of which now decorates the first fret of P.J's new Concert Pinecone.
I happen to have a collection of beetles hanging on the wall of my office. Maybe I should have put the image of one of these in P.J's fret spaces. Now that would have been bizarre. which one do you like best.
Or maybe you prefer really big beetles. This guy is called an Atlas three horned scarab. I put a nickel beside him to show you his gigantic size. Ain't nature wonderful?
You never know what folks want to decorate their instruments with. First it was Stu Fuchs and his Yin/Yang, Then the equestrian from California who had a horse head inlayed in the first fret. Then a beaver for the Canadian, and now a Dung Beetle for P.J. What in the world will be the next request?