I HAVE COMPLETED two of the backs for this new set of Concert Pinecones and they are among the prettiest pieces of tiger stripe maple I have worked with. Beautiful that is if you like consistent strong and regular markings. Some folks like their maple wild and crazy. These backs are stately and regular and I think outstanding Take a look at their development.
First you carve the exterior into a nice rounded shape with a rasp, then sand it smooth and clean, Then turn it over- take it to the drill press to hog out the excess wood to create a concave, thin and resonate back. I use a forester bit for this and set the press so that it drills just so deep. | Once it is excavated with the drill bit I smooth up the rough landscape with a 36 grit disc on my grinder followed by a 120 grit. Then finally I touch up the edges and the rough spots around the rim with a dremel grinder. |
Finally it looks like this, smooth and thin and resonant- ready to glue to the rest of the uke- But turn it over to see what the uke will look like.
Just look at these lovely backs. When the French Polish brings out the grain and accents this incredible figure these are going to be two beautiful instruments. Even better, I got them nicely thin and even. They should make for wonderful sound. May have to keep one of these beauties for myself. Tomorrow I will finish the third back and box these ukes up.