NOT MUCH TIME TO WORK ON INSTRUMENTS TODAY, but I did get the "hold down tabs" made for the two banjo ukes I am building. These little tabs, or spaces have two jobs. They hold the inserted tambourine tight against the lip at the front of the lathe turned body. They also elevate the resonator up to create a space for the sound to escape the "box".
Here they just sit loose in their approximate position. I will drill a hole in each, and into the edge of the round body. A matching hole is inset into the resonator. A stainless round-head screw goes through the resonator, the spacer and into the body edge. When all eight are screwed down tight the resonator is held firmly and the gap is created. If you should ever damage the leather drum head- just take out the eight screws, buy another tambourine, set it in the body and screw the resonator on again. How simple, how inexpensive.
The pencil marks on the resonator show where the screws will go, Through the spacer and into the body. The saddles are ordered and on the way, these fun ukes, or "Tamgos" will be singing in no time.