Last night, about midnight, I finished re-writing the manuscript for my book. Touched up a few spots this morning and was able to go back to my Lutherie workshop this afternoon with a clear conscience. Still plenty of work to do on the book, selecting photos, final editing, etc, but the writing is done and now I can get started on a couple of instruments. Gary and Sandy in California have tenors on order, and I have a rescue job of my own.
First priority. Here is a magnificent piece of "Bearclaw Sitka spruce. magnificent except for that pitch pocket that was bared as I sanded fit. to salvage it i am going to do my first SUNBURST. Hows that for a good idea? Today I thinned down and shaped the Mahogany back and sides. Next will be bending the sides. This could be a marvelous salvage job.
next priority is selecting the wood for those two California bound tenors. I have lots of East indian Rosewood to choose from, and the Water tank Redwood tops are selected at top right in the photo. Both tops from my best ranked tap toned redwood.
Great to be in the workshop again. I was missing it.