In the late fall the berries of the lovely Madrona Tree " Arbutus Menziezi" slowly turn from green to bright red and before the birds can get them all , I like to collect a few to make necklaces for the ladies in my life. I dry them in the oven, drill a hole in each and string them into necklaces, each with a small glass bead between them.
Heck, you can't make ukuleles all of the time.
Heck, you can't make ukuleles all of the time.
I did have a little time for the workshop today. I am getting ready to carve the necks, but first I wanted to put carbon fiber rods in them to assure that they would never warp and bend.
You simply cut a groove up the center of the neck.
Here's the incredibly stiff carbon fiber rod.
You just drop it into the slot and flood it with 5 minute epoxy, and that neck isn't going anywhere.