The other day I bumped the soundboard of a uke against a sharp corner of my vise and put a little dent into the soft wood. Darn it that is irritating-but the solution is pretty easy.
First you put a damp cloth over the dent to wet the wood a bit, then put a hot iron on the damp cloth, I used a broad tip of my wood burning tool. That swells the wood back reducing the depth of the dent considerably
Then you fill the remaining dent with a drop of thick super-glue and let it harden.
First you put a damp cloth over the dent to wet the wood a bit, then put a hot iron on the damp cloth, I used a broad tip of my wood burning tool. That swells the wood back reducing the depth of the dent considerably
Then you fill the remaining dent with a drop of thick super-glue and let it harden.
The filled dent is on the upper edge of the photo. Almost invisible. Now we must sand it flush.
A tiny circle of stick on 500 grit sandpaper is affixed to a piece of lucite plastic. Now I can see and control where I am sanding. Ignore the reflection of the lamp in the photo
Carefully sand the superglue down until your fingertip tells you it is perfectly flat. Apply a couple of coats of French Polish and the dent can be forgotten- it won't be seen.