Thanksgiving took it's toll on workshop time. Four days in Seattle and San Juan Island, Then a two hour Tuesday history lecture to prepare for and finally today I was able to spend the afternoon in the workshop.
I drew out the neck shapes and cut them on the bandsaw.

Next, I plotted out the shape of the heel and the location of the cuts for insertion of the sides.
Back to the bandsaw to cut those grooves.
And now it is time for the artistic part, the carving of the neck. First the spokeshave.
Then the rasp and the old English chisel.
And once it is roughly carved it is time to hog out the slot to accept the soundboard. Be careful to perfectly match the thickness of the soundboard.
This is done by repeated passes over the saw using this saw sled. A very handy jig.
Clean this up with the old J.D.Kier chisel bought many years ago in England. J.D.'s name stamped on the handle. A wonderful tool of Sheffield steel. Every time I use it I think of J.D. whoever he was, who would be happy to know his tool is still cherished and used.
And now the necks are ready to be fitted to the soundboards. That will happen tomorrow. Wonderful to be back in the workshop after a six day hiatus.