Very little time to spend in the workshop today but I did get the back's tentalones installed. Now for putting in the side sound port and Stu's uke will be pretty close to being boxed up. Little by little progress is being made.
Below are photos of #109, the mahogany/Englemann Spruce tenor that I strung up several weeks ago. It is maturing in sound and tone quite remarkably and I am very pleased with the Thomastik-Infeld strings I used for the 3rd and 4th bass strings. I think they will be quality replacements for the excellent Southcoast strings that I have relied on for years. they are no longer available because of the death of Southcoast's owner Dirk Wormhaut.
It remains fascinating to hear a new ukulele grow in tone and quality of sound for the first few weeks of its life. They become richer, warmer, with more character as you play them. This uke will continue to mature I am sure.