I didn't get into the workshop til this afternoon, but I began by installing the side dots, An easy job. Just remember in this narrow space, to score the center where you want to drill with a sharp awl. That will lead the drill bit to stay in the center of this narrow-narrow edge. This is hand work- don't try it with an electric drill.
Once that got done I was ready to install frets. A tedious job at best. Cut the fret to size, add a little glue to it, Tap it into the groove with the fret hammer, Put it under the press and apply pressure, wipe off the excess glue with a wet cloth. And then do it again and again. fourteen frets for each uke times six. This is not my favorite moment in building ukes.
This press is a valuable tool in installing frets. If you simply hammer them in with a fretting hammer you are going to find as you pound on one side it pops up on the other. I tap in the fret with my fret hammer, getting it started in the slot, but I quickly shift to the press, using it to drive the frets evenly into their slots.