Many years ago, as long as 1750, an English arborist planted in his arboretum an exotic tree, Platamus Orientalis, a tree from Turkey. A few years later the wealthy arborist imported another tree from the American colonies, Platamus Oxidentalis. They were close relatives and thus they connected sexually. The result was their hybred offspring, Platinus Acerfolia, the tree we commonly call the London Plane Tree. Its parents , the Oriental Plane Tree and the American Sycamore.
And this is their child, the most popular street tree in the world,
All of these related trees share a unique bark texture,
This is a London Plane planted in downtown Bellingham about thirty five years ago. They are famous for enduring the polluted air of large cities and the limited soil , water and root room along city sidewalks. They are the famous street trees of London, Paris, and most European cities.
And why are we telling this story? Because the London Plane is a wonderful instrument wood. Like its parent the Sycamore, it must be perfectly quarter sawn to reveal its amazing beauty. If the saw cut is just a few degrees off a perfect quarter sawn cut the magic is lost. I have been fortunate to receive Sycamore and Plane wood cut by Jon Dale of Jupiter Ukuleles. Jon cuts it perfectly and I now have enough for four more tenors made with this lovely and interesting wood.