THE THREE CONCERT PINECONES I have been building are now all committed. I got a PayPal deposit yesterday from a gent in Australia. The last of the current build is his. I am delighted to think of one of my sturdy little travelers residing in Australia.
This sale also determines what my next build cycle will be. I will start three more Concert pinecones upon my return on the 17th of June from a trip to the East Coast. The three ukes currently being built are in the final sanding stage. I will be using 1,500 grit tonight and they will be ready for French Polishing on my return. Since the polishing requires an application of shellac no more than twice a day I am able to start the next build in between finish sessions.
This sale also determines what my next build cycle will be. I will start three more Concert pinecones upon my return on the 17th of June from a trip to the East Coast. The three ukes currently being built are in the final sanding stage. I will be using 1,500 grit tonight and they will be ready for French Polishing on my return. Since the polishing requires an application of shellac no more than twice a day I am able to start the next build in between finish sessions.