It is strange the way the urge to start anew begins to work at me as I am about half through the French Polishing on the last set of ukes. It begins with my visualizing the next ukes I want to build. The next build cycle will include two ukes that are pre-ordered. One with a cedar top, quilt maple sides and a yet un-decided back. Another for a gent down south who wants a master-grade koa body and a cedar top, and then I think I must make another "blonde" I have some very nice Englemann spruce for a top, some rather plain un figured koa for sides and body and just enough of that spectacular figured Australian Blackwood for bindings. Topped with a Honduran Rosewood fret-board and a golden Alaska Cedar neck and this will be another beauty.
I have been rummaging through my wood supplies in the workshop. I have plenty of cedar for tops, some spectacular quilt maple, some nice Engelmann tops and today I ordered some figured koa for that cedar top.
I have a friend with some lovely Alaska cedar two by fours stored in the rafters of his basement. I will see if I can talk him out of a piece of that for a neck, and perhaps I will use some of my walnut stash for the neck of the master grade koa uke, or I think I have some Honduran mahogony for that neck. It is always fun to plan the next build cycle, and I am just beginning that now. I also committed today to build another tenor banjo uke for a friend. Maybe I will make several of those and have a six uke build for this fall. I will need to head up the Skagit to Pacific Rim Tonewoods to buy some nice curly maple for necks bodies and resonators for those banjos. I like that look- Oh! it is always fun to start anew. I will keep you posted as I plan the next build.