LATE LAST NIGHT I was puttering in the workshop and decided to mark the new tenor necks for the bandsaw cut I will make for the notch into which the sides are inserted. Fortunately I decided to not make the cuts until I was very sure that the bandsaw was perfectly adjusted to make a 90 degree cut. I did'nt have time to work in the shop today and just went down this evening to take a photo for the blog. Oh No! look at the marks on the center neck. the mahogany one. I had made the cut marks leading toward the head, and not the tail. If I had put it to the bandsaw, I would have ruined the piece. As in carpentry, or many things in life, it pays to check and check again before making the final cut.

So all is well that ends well. Tomorrow I will make the saw cuts and then I can begin carving the necks into shape, one of my favorite tasks.