MY UKULELE BUILDING has been a bit slow recently because I have been working hard raising the money to pay for a statue of one of Bellingham's most important historic figures.
Last week we reached our goal $55,000. We had commissioned the work months before, confidant that we could raise the money. Today I drove to the sculptor's studio and was thrilled with what I saw. J.J. Donovan is depicted sitting on a bronze bench writing a letter to his bride. The sculptor has achieved a remarkable likeness of this great man at age 40. (he died in 1937). Thought you might enjoy seeing the statue in clay. It is almost finished and will go to the foundry to be cast in bronze very soon. It will take another three or four months to complete.
Last week we reached our goal $55,000. We had commissioned the work months before, confidant that we could raise the money. Today I drove to the sculptor's studio and was thrilled with what I saw. J.J. Donovan is depicted sitting on a bronze bench writing a letter to his bride. The sculptor has achieved a remarkable likeness of this great man at age 40. (he died in 1937). Thought you might enjoy seeing the statue in clay. It is almost finished and will go to the foundry to be cast in bronze very soon. It will take another three or four months to complete.