This nice Cocobolo and cedar tenor was sold today to a visitor from Philadelphia. This is my 98th instrument and is looking to be a very nice one. It is ready for the French polishing now and ought to be finished in about 3 weeks. I need to mix up some fresh dilute shellac tomorrow and then the finishing will begin. In the meantime I will begin the pore filling tomorrow.
Here are the frets, cut and waiting to be installed on "journey's' fingerboard.
and here they are installed. Once the glue has set I will clip the long ends and take the frets down level to the edge. Then this fretboard will be ready to be glued to "Journey"
I think I used this photo last night, but I thought I would use it again to show the "hook" that I love to put in the heel of my ukes. I just love the curve of that heel and the way it feels in your hand. An instrument must sound good of course, but it must please the visual senses as well. This "hook" does it for me.