It began by taking the bent sides out of the molds.
The Sycamore bend was perfect, Absolutely no spring back. A bend like this makes assembly so very much easier.
The East Indian Rosewood was also excellent. Just a little spring back on the bottom bout, no problem.
One down and two to go. Carla's uke got its strings yesterday, now for the other two.
they keep sending me these unwanted plastic cards, I use them to protect the wood should a tool slip while drilling the string holes.
I have glued these tiny string hole guides into the bridge as a decoration. They will be sanded down.
Holes have been drilled through them and now the wound G string is inserted into the hole.
The G string is then fished out of the sound hole
A knot tied in it, pulled tight with pliers and any extra tip trimmed off, then it is pulled into the uke and the other end attached to the tuner. Three more strings and this uke is strung.
Now all three ukes are singing their songs. all three sound wonderful, all three have spot on intonation, what a day !