Some folks call them "Linings", some folks call them "tentalones", Whatever you call them, they are the bendable pieces that hold an instrument together by providing an adequate glueing surface. I make mine of basswood.
Pre-cut strips of basswood are run through this jig that fits on my band saw. Repeated thrusts into the blade cut the grooves which allow the piece to bend with the curves of the instrument.
The piece is stopped at each new cut by the point of the very hard Boxwood shaft seen here just to the left of the cutting notch. Powered by two rubber bands, it enters the new cut, stopping the workpiece in just the right place for the next cut. I devised this simple gadget years ago and have made many hundreds, nay, thousands of cuts with it. Works just great.
I slice them to an angle with a sharp exacto knife, sand them smooth and here they are ready to install with the clothes pins for clamps.
And here they are, almost ready for the installation of the backs. First the side sound ports will be installed.
Soundboards and topside. Carbon fiber rods installed in necks.
a peek at the lavishly figured sides.