making good progress on the baritone for Stu Fuchs. The fretboard is about to be attached.
first the glue
Then put it in place connecting with those little brad guide holes, and tapping them in
And here we are, all clamped down tight over the cauls to spread the pressure.
Now lets carve the neck for Olga's tenor, It has been shaped on the band saw, Now the artwork begins. This neck must be slim, slick and smooth. First we use a draw knife
With the neck roughed out, now we turn to the hook. Lets hog off some wood with the chisel.
And finish up with the rasp. This neck is now rough carved and can be attached to the sound board
Here are the various parts to assemble for Stuart's peg head
And here it is assembled and trimmed to shape with holes ready for the tuners.