THE PINECONE head plates are now attached- the instruments now look complete. Now there is lots of neck shaping, fine work with rasp and file to contour everything, but it is a fun stage. Isn't this pinecone head plate a great image?
On the right hand uke I have carved out the shape with bandsaw, rasps and small files, The left hand uke still shows the wide peg head blank yet to be trimmed. Holes for the tuners will be drilled and reamed to the necessary 5 degree taper to accept the PEGHED tuners that I will be using. The first and fourteenth frets have now been installed. They were left out to accept the brads used to position the fret boards. Now the frets cover up and hide the tiny hole I had drilled in the middle of the fret slots to accept those brass brads.
Next challenge is to carve the necks to just the right shape and sand them to finish condition.
Next challenge is to carve the necks to just the right shape and sand them to finish condition.