Its time to put the backs on, time to box them up. It begins with cutting notches in the sides to accept the cross braces on the backs.
You carefully mark where the braces will cross the sides and then, with this little saw, cut ever so lightly on the sides.
then you carve out the grooves and you are ready for the glue and the clamps.
This is Olga's ukulele getting its back. It will be heading to her in Calgary Alberta when finished.
Clamp the back on tight and in a couple of hours the back is on and the clamps can be removed and used for the next instrument. This is Randy's uke and will be going to California. A pretty fancy piece of East Indian Rosewood,
And Olga's is out of the clamps and ready for trimming. Tomorrow perhaps.
And don't worry Jack. Yours is all prepared and just waiting for the clamps. I only have enough clamps for one at a time.