A nice gal came to my shop today to pick up her ukulele and she thought my shop pretty interesting. I guess it is a little goofy so I thought I would share some images of what is in it other than tools.
A painting of the rooftops of the Doges Palace from a trip to Venice years ago
This was to be just one of a series of Mason Bee Houses in this architectural style hung side by side on a sunny wall. paper tubes would be inserted into each hole for the nesting bees to use. A great idea but I failed to make a mold because of the holes. This was the prototype. It would have been called "Bee Street"
A poster advertising a french art exhibit hangs beside my grandfather's cigar molds. He was the first cigar maker in WA territory in 1885.
.This is the wooden foundry pattern used to cast the bronze manhole cover in Fairhaven Village Green. A fun project. The letters are purchased and glued on, all else is carved bass wood on a plywood circle. Cast at Bellingham's Union Foundry.
Hope you enjoyed this little tour. Come and visit my workshop some day.