Yesterday I went to see my computer guru, Loron S, so that I could get pictures on my blog again. No problem, he fixed it, then he brought out of the closet his mother-in-law's old Martin soprano. Ancient, dirty, a big crack in the side, broken strings, a weary and sad old uke. We made a trade, he fixed my computer-I fixed his ukulele.
A little gentle cleaning overall, a bit of oil on the threads of the tuner screws, some hide glue in that big ugly crack, and an overnight clamping with the big rubber bands, a new set of green aurora strings and this little darlin was playing "My dog has fleas' just like it did in 1920. It was fun, my computer works, A Fair Trade indeed.
The next project was finding a wonderful source of quality leather scraps from a talented leather book and bag maker in town. I was able to get wonderful leather for the connectors for my Guatemalan belt ukulele straps. I am now in production and offer them to the ukulele world as a fun and innovative instrument strap.
These colorful cotton belts are woven by the native women in the villages. Each one is different. They will come with simple instructions to adapt them to the length that fits your body. Each strap will have strong leather connectors with instructions for fitting it to the strap buttons on your ukulele. If you use a ukulele pick, you will also learn how to make a pocket for picks in the fold of the strap.
Each complete strap w/ instructions will cost $25.00 plus $3;00 postage. Personal check, Visa or PayPal accepted. You will love them.
Each complete strap w/ instructions will cost $25.00 plus $3;00 postage. Personal check, Visa or PayPal accepted. You will love them.